Supporting adults in their quest for a life with dignity

We created the platform to support families caring for the elderly and/or people with various degrees of dementia.

Exercises for

Development of cognitive activity

We developed activities and games to improve the lives of dementia patients.

We are looking for a hobby to turn into

Products from adults

Our mission is to help seniors develop their hobby, and with that, sell.

The goals ahead

Time with your loved ones

We have painstakingly thought through every step of the games methodology so that you can spend precious time with your loved ones.

What are adult activities

Each category offers a range of activities specifically designed to for individuals with dementia or Alzheimer's disease. Together with 3D technology and in-depth research and testing, we have created activities that increase concentration, improve tactile and cognitive performance in older adults.

Puzzles and cards

Activities are aimed at having fun but also stimulating cognitive skills and problem solving abilities.

Family & Memory

Here we have focused on activities that encourage social interaction and improve the ability to remember.

Math games

Activities with mathematical challenges. Their goal is to improve number skills and logical thinking.

Telling stories

Creative activities that encourage creativity, language skills and narrative development.

Short methodology, easy to use and implement

Each activity has a detailed description and methodology to implement with the returnees you care for and want to spend free time with. How long does it take and what conative or tactile activities would develop.

Hobby products from the elderly

Buy products that help seniors have a more dignified life.

What is a hobby product?

Well, a hobby-product is a handmade item that perhaps, our elderly friends have always wanted to make in their lifetime. but for one reason or another they have failed and now find the time to do so.

What motivates us

Why we work on creating "activities"

Suitable subgroups for families and carers of people with dementia are very limited in Bulgaria. We decided to create activities that provide opportunities for the leisure of people with dementia and their caregivers. In addition, they create opportunities for development.

A little more about dementias and age.

Dementia (Latin: Dementia - "without mind") is a neurological disease characterized by deterioration of mental abilities, impaired concentration, etc.1 Dementia is usually a "disease of old age". One form of dementia, but far from the only form, is Alzheimer's disease.

Who Helps Us

Our partners

Experify 3D Print

Thanks to them we have our prototypes. The print studio works with the latest and fastest printers on the market so we can produce our prototypes expressly.

Partner Filament

RE3D are based in Varna and are now an international company developing filaments in Bulgaria. They supply us with the necessary recycled PLA material for printing.

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