Who is the game for – The game is suitable for professionals in a day centre and residential service as well as for a family caring for a loved one with dementia. It is suitable for people with mild to moderate dementia.
Materials needed – made in advance differently shaped coloured blocks with which different buildings can be made. All blocks should be placed in a box, which should be in the Memory Box.
Advance Preparation – Each participant should have a separate kit to entertain with.
Participants – This game is individual, but can also be played in a group of up to 6 players. The moderator or facilitator only explains the rules and helps when needed. It is very appropriate for families caring for loved ones, but can also be used in long-term care in day and residential services.
Location – Choose a quiet place where the person with dementia and the caregiver feel comfortable, e.g. around a dining table or coffee table where materials can be spread out. There should be enough light. Make sure the person with dementia has taken their glasses or other aids such as a hearing aid so that communication can take place.
Introductions – explain what you are going to do together in a relaxed and fun way.
Make sure the person with dementia has understood the idea and what they need to create. Allow enough time to examine the figures. If necessary, discuss which figure can serve what purpose.
NOTE – You can include this game as part of “Favorite Story – Table Theatre”. Making the necessary buildings for the tale. Participants should then have familiarised themselves with the game beforehand so that they can arrange the tiles for the building more quickly. In this option, the priority will be to play out the story and the theatre.
Finally, congratulate yourself on a job well done
If the models will be used to act out the story, leave the models set up so you can act out the theatre using them.