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Socks "Desert Storm" Original price was: 32,00 лв..Current price is: 20,00 лв..
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Set "Mosaic" 75,00 лв.85,00 лв.

Socks “Desert Storm”

Original price was: 32,00 лв..Current price is: 26,00 лв..

Socks “Desert Storm” are not just yarn socks, but a true expression of strength and style. This amazing pair of socks combines the power of a desert storm with the comfort and warmth of a well-knit thermal!

The “Desert Storm” sock design is inspired by the swirling sandstorms that form powerful images and silhouettes in desert landscapes. The colours and textures used in their making are justified by the natural beauty and dynamics of these phenomena.

Hope you like our description. We add a dash of humor but keep our social cause!



With a drop of humor but a lot of comfort

A true expression of power and style.

Socks "Desert Storm" are not just yarn socks, but a true expression of strength and style. This amazing pair of socks combines the power of a desert storm with the comfort and warmth of a well-knit thermal!

The "Desert Storm" sock design is inspired by the swirling sandstorms that form powerful images and silhouettes in desert landscapes. The colours and textures used in their making are justified by the natural beauty and dynamics of these phenomena.

Hope you like our description. We add a dash of humor but keep our social cause!

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