Mosaic set – instructions for use

Which cognitive abilities does it support?
Concentration, fine motor skills, visual perception, dexterity, cognitive abilities, eye-hand coordination, abstract and creative thinking, imagination
Game description:
Arranging the jigsaw according to predefined patterns stimulates cognitive processes. The exercise can be Planned with varying degrees of difficulty according to the stage of dementia – appropriate е for people в mild to advanced stage.
Who the game is for – The game is suitable for professionals in day care and long-term care, as well as for a family caring for a loved one with dementia. It is suitable for people with mild to moderate dementia.
Materials needed – Pre-made scheme with instructions for arranging the coloured cones, coloured cones, stand with holes. All materials must be placed with an appropriate box.
Preliminary preparation – Each participant should have a separate set to entertain with. Schemes should be tailored to the stage of the disease, from easier for people with advanced dementia, to harder for people with pre-dementia syndrome and early dementia.
Participants – This game is played individually, but can also be played in groups of up to 6 players. The moderator or facilitator only explains the rules and helps when needed. It is very appropriate for families caring for loved ones, but can also be used in long-term care in day and residential services.
Location – Choose a quiet place where the person with dementia and the person being debriefed feel comfortable, e.g. around a dining table or coffee table where materials can be spread. There should be enough light. Make sure the person with dementia has taken their glasses or other aids such as a hearing aid so that communication can take place.
Introductions – explain what you are going to do together in a relaxed and fun way.

- Depending on the stage of dementia, the schemes for the board game “Mosaic Set” can be made with varying degrees of difficulty.
- There may be a scheme in which the colours correspond to a certain number. Look at the chosen diagram and predict which number corresponds to which colour – Explain that the coloured cones should be arranged to correspond to the marked numbers.
- If the person has more advanced dementia a pre-coloured scheme can be followed. Then explain that the aim is to arrange the coloured cones as shown in the diagram.
- Make sure the person with dementia gets the idea.
- Help as needed.
- Finally, congratulate yourself on a job well done. Put the materials in the box and agree to come back to this game in time.

Explanation for the presenter
Dementia affects a person’s cognitive functions, personality, memories and concentration. People with dementia have a memory problem, which leads to difficulties in recall, problems with speech, coordination, abstract thinking, concentration, planning, orientation in terms of place and time, frequent mood changes.
This tyo exercise stimulates:
- The Concentration
- The Planning
- The short-term memory
- The Coordination
What are the benefits of using this model?
Stimulates opportunities for:
- Planning
- Concentration
- Memory
- Coordination